Thursday, January 24, 2013

I Can't Think of a Witty Title Today

Hello Internet, I figured it's been a few days so I'd check in again.  The rest of the weekend panned out just great, with some more fantastic burgers over at Hodads in Ocean Beach.  As a person that subsists very heavily on burgers to eat, I cannot describe how fantastic it is to have so many fantastic choices around. 

This week, Elli and I were given a project for the upcoming inclining experiment that involves calculating the weight shifted between ballast tanks based on ullage readings.  In English, this means that we figured out how much a tank of water weighs by pointing a laser at it.

Elli immediately launched into some hardcore math and started to tackle a long and complicated series of equations that would make our professors proud.  I drew some shapes on a piece of paper and hoped for the best.  Despite our different methods, the task at hand seemed simple enough and we expected to have a solution fairly quickly.
Famous last words.
 Two hours of intense math-ing on some triangles later, I realized that I had derived the equation for a trapezoid, and at that it was wrong anyway.  After correcting this, I was then informed that the way I was solving the problem was correct in spirit, but not what we were looking for. It was time to start over.
"Oh, no, that's fine. At least it was a fun learning experience."
Fast forward a few days, and I'm still trying to use shapes to describe what I want but can't quite get it.  In the meantime, I've been inventing plenty of new curse words specifically aimed at trapezoids. 
You're ugly and nobody likes you, trapezoids.
I definitely feel like some basic geometry, even though it gets a little complicated, shouldn't have me this hung up for a few days in a row.  Word on the street is that we're going to have a few days of working on other projects, which should clear our minds for when we come back to it. That, or I take this as a sign that engineering is for much smarter people than myself.
Cooking meth is Plan B.
In other news, it's Sam's 21st birthday today!  We celebrated by going to a Mexican restaurant in Old Town with a decent group of people, and then heading over to Baja Betty's in Hillcrest.
A responsible night was had by all.
More interesting things will be happening this weekend, especially because my mom will be coming out to visit tomorrow! If I play my cards right, I can probably score a free meal or two off of her or something. 

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